Murder Your Darlings

Thank God there’s a precedent for this, be it a twenty year old precedent.

In 1986, at age sixteen, in the middle of the night, I wrote a creepy science fiction story entitled ‘Illusion’ (this was so long ago I wrote it in longhand and typed it out the next day on an old-fashioned IBM). I submitted it to the Dutch Ganymedes anthology the next day, got a very promising acceptance letter, only to be informed, a few months later, that the entire anthology would be discontinued.

And now, twenty years later, Stuart Barrow, the very agreeable editor of a number of Andromeda Spaceways issues as well as the Gastronomicon speculative fiction cookbook, is sad to inform me that he will not, after all, be going ahead with the second Gastronomicon. Oenocide is back in my drawer.*

I tell myself It only feels like I’ve killed another anthology…

* Not really: I bounced it right back… to Andromeda Spaceways 😀