Status Report

Story Blathering about story Current word count
Rat in het nauw
(flash, Dutch)
Suicidal rat in Calais harbor. For my mother’s book on umbrellas. Seriously. Brooded over for months, started and finished today.


Opening Night
Science fiction. Inspired by a brainstorm in Villa Diodati #3, all plotted out and partially written.


What happened while Don was watching the game
The spooky things that go on in automated car parks. Humorous fantasy. Needs major rewrite, culling and funnying-up, the Villa Diodati #3 critique of the story has shown me.


Finding her voice
(longish short)
Sappy romance, but I love the characters, the drama of it, and the final scene. About half done, with big chunks of the middle missing.


The Sound of Breaking Glass
My NaNoWriMo novel of 2007. Horror, I suppose, though it’s more of a werewolf fantasy story to me. In need of a major overhaul I’m not too eager to start with.
